Tuesday 2 July 2013

Teen Wolf: Frayed Recap/Review

Get ready because things are about to get a little confusing... The newest 'Teen Wolf' episode, 'Frayed', starts with Stiles and Scott on a bus making their way to a cross country meet. Tensions are high on the bus between Issac, Boyd and Ethan but Scott has his own problems as he hasn't healed from a fight he had with the alpha pack. Also, he admits to Stiles that Derek died in the fight, I don't care too much about Derek to be honest so excuse me if I'm not shocked.

Allison and Lydia are following the bus which allows for a flashback: Scott reconnects with Allison when he finds one of her arrows. Scott warns her to stay away from the supernatural wolf stuff and things get pretty heated between the two of them. I really miss Allison and Scott as a couple, I miss Allison's long hair too but that's a whole other story. Anyway, on Scott's way out of Allison's place, he realizes that Deucalion and the alpha pack are staying in the Argent's apartment complex. Which means that Derek and co. can now plan their attack.

Back to the present, Lydia claims that nothing is happening between her and alpha hunk twin, Aiden. However, a steamy flashback begs to differ. I love ya, Lydia. Unfortunately, the boys, Lydia and Allison all get stuck in traffic while Boyd becomes increasingly angry at Ethan (the other twin). In another flashback, we see the fight between Derek, Scott, Boyd, Cora, Peter, Issac and the alphas. In addition, we see Derek fighting with Ennis and then both of them falling to their death. Meanwhile in the present, Cora and Peter come back to where the death took place as the bodies are now missing. On the bus, Scott pushes himself to be leader and calm Boyd down. Also, Stiles gets Danny to flirt with Ethan so they can get answers. Danny tells them that Ethan is waiting to find out if someone close to him is going to die. This scene was pretty comical, you gotta love Stiles' methods. At the vet's, the alphas and Ms. Morell try to get Dr. Deaton to heal Ennis. Scott isn't looking too good himself so Stiles tries everything to get the coach to allow them off the bus. He finally succeeds when he makes a kid throw up, oh Stiles. Lydia and Allison try to help Scott with Lydia suggesting that Scott hasn't healed because it's all in his head as he feels bad about Derek's death. The kids think that if they stitch Scott up then he should get over it. Allison starts stitching Scott up and is visited by the ghost of her mother. Pretty weird but nice moment saying as Allison didn't really have much closure. Outside, Issac is beating up Ethan and he only stops when Scott tells him to. Scott really is a good leader. Then Decualion visits Ennis at the vet's just to kill him.

In a flashback to the fight, we find out that Allison was there that night helping her friends. Her father was kinda against it but Allison don't wanna hear what he has to say. On the bus, Lydia and Stiles go over the facts and they feel like sacrifices are being made in preparation for a battle while Scott and Allison have a cute moment. Also, Ms. Morrell reveals that Dr. Deaton is her older brother (I thought he was her father for some reason). Outside Beacon Hills High, Jennifer (the kid's new English teacher) is surprised when she sees a bloody Derek desperately in need of some medical attention. This was a good 'Teen Wolf' episode, all the flashbacks made things kinda confusing but it was still fairly solid.

Overall episode score:-
'Frayed' = A-

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