Wednesday 21 August 2013

Pretty Little Liars: Bring Down the Hoe Recap/Review

My goodness! My heart is still pumping from 'Pretty Little Liars' this week... or maybe that's the coffee I had earlier? Whichever, 'Bring Down the Hoe' was such an exciting/thrilling episode. The girls catch up on all their gossip at lunch but Lieutenant Tanner interrupts to tell them that they found a muddy shoe in the wreckage of Emily's house that matches the footprints from the Wilden murder crime scene. Hanna isn't too happy to hear that they can trance the shoe with DNA tests so she rushes off in a hurry, making her mom look kinda guilty.

Spencer has had enough of these amateur antics so she comes up with a plan: Hanna will go shopping with Mrs. DiLaurentis to Macy's (this episode's sponsor it seems) while the other three search through the crawl space in the DiLaurentis house that Emily and Mrs. D found last episode. This doesn't seem to calm Hanna's nerves, it's also unsettling that she sees some guy staring at her in the school hallway. His name is Travis BTW and it looks like he just might be Hanna's new love interest when Caleb moves to 'Ravenswood'. I really hope not though, #HalebForever. In a classroom, we learn that Paige and Emily's relationship is still kinda rocky and it doesn't look like Emily wants to go to the school hoedown. Aria's love life isn't as pathetic though as she ends up asking Jake to the dance. Later, Emily goes to see Ezra because she thinks her recommendation from Zoe is too good. Too good!? Ezra gets real mad at Ems for implying that this is a problem. Also, she implies that Ezra is trying to grow a beard but in her defense he is getting a little scruffy. Although he realizes that he might have been too harsh so he confesses that Malcolm is being taken away. In the hall, Hanna finds an envelope in her locker with money in it! Score! But that's not all, the envelope has the 'Diva Dish' logo on it (which is where CeCe used to work) and a note inside which says: "Maybe this can help your mother." When Hanna looks up, she sees Travis again and he quickly walks away. Guilty much?

Toby is relying too much on 'A's 'gifts' and Spencer feels like 'A' is just trying to set him up somehow. Inside Toby's truck is a CD with his mother singing on it and written on the CD is a message: "There's more where this came from -A". Spencer is real unhappy about this. At the Rear Window Brew, Hanna sees Travis stalking about again so she explodes on him in true Hanna fashion. After school, while Aria and Emily wait for Spencer in the crawl space Ems finds a button which could be from the red coat then Spencer finally shows up and the real party begins. They start to hear footsteps coming from upstairs so Aria looks through a peephole, bad move girlfriend. Whoever is up there starts plunging knitting needles through the peepholes and almost takes out Aria's eye.

The Liars all meet at Spencer's house so they can talk about what just went down. Emily is so freaked that she's already planning to move out of the DiLaurentis house and into Spencer's, in one of the funniest moments, Emily turns to Spencer and says "is that a problem!?" Ems is real feisty in this episode, she keeps telling Hanna to "shut up!" which needed to be said. The girls know something is up with Spence though so they fish for information and Spencer spills all about Toby's mother. Speaking of, things get worse for poor Toby when 'A' sends him a picture of Dr. Palmer's car and the address of where it is. At the Brew, awkwardness ensues when Ezra tries to talk to Aria about his issues but Jake arrives. After Ezra leaves, Jake gives Aria a cowgirl boot for the hoedown. This made me real suspicion of Jake because Aria even questioned him about how he knew her shoe size. Meanwhile, Emily packs her things at the DiLaurentis house and has a flashback: Alison admitted that she had to break up with boyfriends for her friends (probably CeCe) and once a guy pulled a gun on her. In the present, Emily believes that Wilden was the guy that pulled the gun on Ali and that CeCe was dating both Jason and Wilden at the same time. She also suspects that CeCe killed Wilden because he wanted to hook up again. Jeez gurl! Save that drama fo yo momma! Elsewhere, we see a room with lots of obsessive Alison clippings, like newspaper reports on her murder. Then we see CeCe on the phone to someone, telling them that she's not waiting for forever and she's not going back to Rosewood. Also, we see the red coat in the room. I personally don't think CeCe is Red Coat but it looks like she is definitely part of the 'A' Team. Back in Rosewood, the hoedown begins and there's Travis again who admits that he put the envelope in Hanna's locker and he knows that Ashley is innocent.

It's time for the truth, Travis was at the lake the night of Wilden's murder, Wilden called Travis' family's garage to toe his car, Travis saw Hanna's mom drive away and then he heard gun shots. To learn more, Hanna dances with Travis (ugh, please don't turn into a couple!) and she finds out that he saw someone run into the woods that night who could have blonde hair. He waited so long to tell Hanna all of this because there was bad blood between Wilden and Travis' dad so he was scared that the murder would be pinned on his dad. Lastly, he gave Hanna the money because he left his truck at the lake and it later showed up with the envelope full of money inside. That was a lot so I would like to take a brief pause to say that I thought everyone looked really cute in their cowboy hats! Resume: Ezra is working at the bar for this event so Jake let's him know that he doesn't want Ezra around. Jake is getting shadier and shadier. On the dance floor, Spencer admits that she told her friends about Toby's 'A' troubles. This spends Toby flying off the handle and he goes in search of Dr. Palmer's car.

Out of worry, Spencer asks Caleb to follow Toby because she feels like it's all a trap. Emily is getting real impatient with Aria because she hasn't talked to Fitz yet so Ems just decides to tell her about the situation. Red Coat is watching all this from above and Emily spots them. At Travis' garage, Hanna shows up to beg him to tell the cops what he knows. Back at the party, Emily tells Spencer about Red Coat so they both go after the mysterious figure. Thinking that Red Coat ran down a path, the girls steal a truck full of hay. The old piece of crap won't work and they then see Red Coat moving about in the hay. Spencer and Em get out to investigate but they don't find anybody, all they find is the coat.

Caleb catches up with Toby just as he's about to break into Dr. Palmer's car. Guess what? It is a set up! The cops pull up so Toby and Caleb run away as fast as they can. It seems that Travis did what Hanna asked as he's talking to Lieutenant Tanner about that night the next time we see him. The Liars find nothing in the coat but they do see that the button Ems found earlier is a match. Then Emily dances with Paige so I guess they're good again. After the dance, Aria goes to Ezra's to talk about his sad life. Hold the phone! Outside Ezra's door, CeCe is wearing a black hood and listening to their conversation. Looks like she did return to Rosewood after all. In their Lair, 'A' is using some knitting needles and stabbing them into Liar dolls plus a Mona doll. Really awesome episode, right? Next week is gonna be even better because it's... #WorldWarA!!! See ya then!

Overall episode score:-
'Bring Down the Hoe' = A

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