Saturday 15 December 2012

The Vampire Diaries: O Come, All Ye Faithful (Holiday Episode) Recap/Review

It was a Christmas themed episode of 'The Vampire Diaries' this week named 'O Come, All Ye Faithful'. I love holiday episodes and this is the first Christmas related episode that 'The Vampire Diaries' has ever done. The episode starts the morning after last episode ended, in Damon's room he and Elena talk about their relationship and the sire bond, I could warm up to a Damon/Elena relationship cause they're kinda cute together. They don't decide on breaking the bond or not as Elena gets a text from Bonnie who is at the Gilbert's lake house teaching Jeremy to not kill Elena. At Klaus', he's painting a donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event when Stefan comes over, I forgot that Klaus was an artist. Stefan tells Klaus that they need to find the cure soon so Klaus shows him the sword that he found in Italy and he also says that the sword is the key to reading the map. Meanwhile, Klaus' sired hybrids are getting real tired of him which is okay because Tyler's plan is being set into motion as Haley claims that she has found a witch to help them. Haley seems to have gotten kind of psychotic recently. The Winter Wonderland event is so beautiful and it's here that Tyler tells Caroline about Haley finding a witch to perform the body jump spell. Tyler's plan is to be buried under cement and then have the witch put Klaus in his body, Tyler would have to be buried for months so the hybrids could get away safety. Caroline hates Tyler's plan but she comes around when she sees how passionate he is about freeing the hybrids. At the Gilbert lake house, Jeremy invites Elena in and then tries to attack her but she's too quick for him. Professor Shane is also at the lake house to help with Jeremy's killer instincts. Then Caroline calls Stefan to tell him about Tyler's plan but if they plan to keep Klaus buried for several months then Stefan needs the sword. This means that Stefan must go to Klaus' house and find the sword before Tyler's plan takes action.

Caroline keeps Klaus occupied while Stefan searches his house. Damon calls Stefan while he's looking for the sword but he's not very helpful and all Stefan finds are letters from Klaus' past victims. Stefan then asks Damon where Elena is, Damon doesn't mention that he's with Elena and he lies about breaking the sire bond. Inside the lake house, Elena tries to help Jeremy by telling him memories from the time that their parents were alive but Jeremy just sees Elena as bringing death into his life and he still wants to kill her. I miss the sane, non-scary, puppy dog Jeremy. Back in Mystic Falls, Stefan tells Caroline that he hasn't found the sword then he tells her that Tyler has to call off his plan. Although, Tyler is not having it, he tells Stefan that his plan is happening. Stefan still tries to stop him but all the hybrids show up and they throw Stefan and Caroline in the Lockwood cellar. I feel like finding the cure is more important than the take-down of Klaus but Tyler explains that the cure is of no interest to hybrids because even if they take it then they'll still be werewolves. I still think Tyler is going too far though.

Shane wants Jeremy to try again but Damon says that they can't use Elena as Jeremy's emotional rock so instead they use Bonnie because Jeremy still has a lot of feelings for her and he doesn't have the need to kill Bonnie as she isn't a vampire. Outside, Professor Shane gives Elena some back story to his life by telling her that his wife and son died. Damon then threatens to kill Shane because that's just how Damon rolls but Shane says that he can come in useful as he's already been to where the cure is buried. Back at the Winter Wonderland festival, Tyler lets his mother in on the plan. Carol seems to be a lot more receptive than Caroline was. At the lake house, Shane tells Elena and Damon the back story of the cure. I'll break it down: This witch #1 wanted to spend the rest of his life with a lady so he and his best friend, witch #2, made an immortality spell but then witch #2 gets all jealous and kills the lady so witch #1 makes a potion that reverses immortality but witch #2 buries witch #1 with the potion before he gets the chance to take it. Moral of the story = Never trust jealous best friends that also happen to be a witch. Therefore, all the gang has to do is dig up witch #1. Shane's story was actually really confusing the first time I watched and I thought the cure was an immortal witch's blood, which sounds less complicated to me. Damon calls Stefan to let him know that they no longer need the sword so they should just go ahead and kill Klaus. Stefan tells the hybrids this so they set Stefan and Caroline free.

Shane shows Damon and Elena what the hunter's tattoo looks like once it's completed but he doesn't tell them where the cure is buried because that's his leverage. Elena asks what's in all this for Shane and he says that he just wants to find the witch. At the Mystic Grill, Caroline is pissed about Tyler locking her in the Lockwood cellar but she then tells him that she has a new plan. Caroline says that they should bury Rebekah instead of Tyler. This is great news for Tyler as he doesn't have to buried and is actually a good idea. However, it's bad for Haley who texts Shane to say that they have a problem. Bonnie confirms that Caroline's plan will work but Haley isn't having it so she snaps Caroline's neck.

Damon confronts Shane about the relationship he had with the Creepy Pastor. Shane says that the Pastor was depressed and he came to Shane asking for him to supernaturally bring his wife back. I don't believe Shane at all, he doesn't lie for much longer though as Jeremy enters to show Elena that he's fixed. Back at the Winter Wonderland event, we see Haley whispering something to Klaus and then she leaves as Stefan walks up. When Stefan questions Klaus about the victim's letters, Klaus says it was like how Stefan used to write his victim's names on a wall. Meanwhile, April finds a dead Caroline on the floor but Caroline jumps back into action who calls Stefan to tell him that Haley has gone rogue and then they talk about Rebekah's body. Caroline compels April to forget everything she has just seen or heard. Although, Matt tells Caroline that April is wearing a vervained bracelet so Caroline's compelling wouldn't have worked. Outside, Haley tells Tyler about the hybrid sacrifice and how Tyler is the twelfth so he better run. This scene is inter-cut with Klaus killing all the other hybrids.

Damon finally decides to break the sire bond at the lake house and let Elena go, Damon is so selfless. Then Caroline tells Stefan that Damon and Elena are currently together but they're not anymore! Gosh Caroline, your information is so not up to date! Back at the lake house, Elena says goodbye to Damon as he is going to stay and help Jeremy. Tyler sees all the dead hybrid bodies, ending in the Lockwood cellar. April is also in the cellar but she hides from Tyler and waits until he leaves to find Rebekah's coffin. To be honest, Tyler's plan really sucked. Klaus is still angry at Tyler and he can't find him so he finds Carole instead and kills her. I guess Tyler is an orphan now... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Welp, that's all folks, see you in January for more 'Vampire Diaries!'

Overall episode score:-
'O Come, All Ye Faithful' = A+

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