Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Carrie Diaries: Hush Hush Recap/Review

Everyone was keeping things 'Hush Hush' in 'The Carrie Diaries' this week. That's because there were so many secrets floating about, like Carrie's secret internship at 'Interview Magazine'. Which was going very well for our heroine who was really finding her place. At school though, Sebastian seeks out The Mouse so they can talk about how he wants to break up with Donna. Thus, Mouse spills that George and Carrie broke up. I think The Mouse and Sebastian are so funny together so I loved the majority of the scenes in this episode because they were in a lot together. Elsewhere, Maggie was keeping her secret from Walt still but he knows something's up. After school, Sebastian breaks up with Donna at the diner, she takes it surprisingly well. However, she asks him to wait until after the school's lock in to start telling people as she's the event organizer and she doesn't want her moment ruined. Back at 'Interview', Carrie has been roped into being a shoe model as no-one else can fit into the Manolo Blahniks. This was one of my favorite scenes because we got to see Carrie fall in love with her one true love, Manolo's. If you're a fan of the original 'Sex and the City' series then this was a big moment and there's another one coming later. Firstly though, Larissa gives Carrie the shoes and then invites her to a nightclub named 'Limelight'. Larissa has asked Carrie out the same night that the lock in is happening at school so she has the perfect excuse.

Carrie and the girls plan her perfect night out when she tells them that Barbra has been covering for her at the law firm so she can work at 'Interview'. I wonder why Barbra is helping? Maybe she's a changed woman. Also, The Mouse says that Sebastian will be breaking up with Donna soon. The next day at school, Donna starts scheming up a way to rip Walt and Maggie's relationship to shreds. At the diner, The Mouse gets inpatient with Sebastian so she questions him about his current relationship status. He admits that Donna doesn't want it getting out yet so Mouse and Maggie just keeps badgering Sebastian until he hatches up a plan for a romantic gesture.

Sebastian and The Mouse want to go to New York so he can tell Carrie that he loves her. Unfortunately, Mags can't go because she needs to come clean to Walt at the lock in. At 'Limelight', Bennett and Carrie are dancing the night away as she's finally in her element. But at school, Donna gets the Jens to lure Walt to the A/V room. She tells them that she's in love with Walt so they agree to get him there. Everyone wants some Walt. In New York, Tom is on a double date with Harlen while Carrie is clubbing in Manhattan. Yikes! Some guy is giving Carrie the eyes from across the room so she goes over for some casual flirtation.

The guy orders Carrie a Cosmopolitan, any fan of the original will know that this is Carrie and co.'s signature drink so it was nice to see her first encounter with it. Meanwhile, Sebastian and The Mouse are stuck in traffic on their way to find Carrie. At school, Donna starts telling Walt about Maggie. Back with Sebastian, he finally makes it into the city. In the club, Carrie spots her father dancing in the crowd because his date has led him here and it's not too long until he spots her.

Carrie is in a lot of trouble when Larissa, Tom and Harlen all collide on the dance floor. Well, that's not entirely true because Carrie's only in trouble with Tom. Larissa thinks it's fantastic that Carrie is so young. This was all pretty funny, I'm not even a fan of Larissa but she was hilarious in this scene. Things are even worse for Maggie though as Walt isn't too happy after Donna has told him the truth. He even breaks up with Mags and she doesn't take it very well. On the streets of New York, Carrie is dragged home and she questions if she'll ever see the city again. Also, Sebastian's car gets towed after he gives up hope about finding Carrie. Anyway, Walt is feeling down about his break up so Donna talks to him. I feel bad for Walt but no sympathy for the devil... I mean, Donna. Then he kisses her!

The Mouse helps Carrie pack away her Manolos as there's no need for them anymore. Carrie then talks to her father about things. I think he's being really unfair because she's obviously passionate about working at 'Interview' but he's not budging. This is followed by a really nice ending in which Maggie comes to Carrie about Walt, he and Donna hook up (but Carrie tells us that this is because he has some secrets that he wants kept hidden) and Sebastian & Carrie hang out at the diner. Everything about this episode was so fun, I hope The CW keeps it around for another season because I would love to see where Carrie and her teenage pals will be a year from now. Until then, we still have next week.

Overall episode score:-
'Hush Hush' = A+

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