Wednesday 27 February 2013

Pretty Little Liars: Out of Sight, Out of Mind Quick Review

I really enjoyed this week's episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' which is named 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind'. Firstly, Spencer finally told the other liars about Toby being a part of the 'A' Team which made us all very happy. However, Emily didn't want to believe that Toby is all bad so she went in search of him. Also, Aria is pulled into Hanna and Ashley's hit and run problems. Although, she does have her own problems as she was left in charge of Malcolm and he falls off the bed. Ezra seems to understand that parenting is hard but Aria thinks that things are getting hard in her relationship recently. Maybe she should start dating Wesley? I dunno... I would like that though. Meanwhile, Spencer is led to Toby's dead body in the woods but we don't see his face so I don't believe it's actually Toby. Spencer then gets admitted into the Radley as she's found mumbling in the woods. I thought this was really weird, why would they take her to the Radley instead of the hospital. This was a great episode though and there's only three episodes left of this season so I'm really excited to see what happens.

Overall episode score:-
'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' = A+

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