Friday 5 October 2012

Glee: The Break-Up Recap/Review

This week Glee took a more serious approach as the show decided to (finally) fill us in on where relationships stand. The whole episode was a massacre of relationships. The only relationship that made it out alive was Jake and Marley and they're not even officially dating. However, speaking of Jake and Marley, that's exactly where the episode starts. The pair start talking about how poor they both are while Brittany and Blaine creepily watch and lament over how their relationships used to be so simple. Things then start to get serious when we go to Kurt and Rachel's apartment, it's the morning after Finn arrived at their doorstep and it looks like Rachel gave Brody the boot. Kurt realizes that he needs to give Finn and Rachel their space so he leaves them alone and Finn calls Kurt "little brother." I think that's so cute because I remember when Finn and Kurt were really awkward around each other and now they've become really close. Anyway, we find out that Finn was discharged because he misfired his gun (named 'Rachel', oh Finn) and it hit him. This is great though cause Rachel has the perfect idea, Finn should try out for NYDA. No, Rachel, just no. Finn would never get in and Finn just doesn't belong in New York, sorry but he's a Lima Loser forever. This scene is then followed by the return of Santana! YAY SANTANA! She's only home to do laundry though. I really thought that Santana was going to move to New York with Rachel and Kurt this episode but no such luck. You really need Santana in this show cause she points out everything weird, like really how did Kurt get a job with so easily? Plus, did anyone else feel like Brittany was really smart this episode? You keep studying Brittany, you'll be at college by season 10 (LOL, just kidding, Glee probably won't last that long).

We start to see cracks in the Blaine/Kurt and Rachel/Finn relationship next, I'm really not rooting for either of these couples right now. To reinforce my point, Blaine and Kurt have a conversation on the phone about how much they miss each other and Blaine says that two weeks is too long to wait. Let me just point out that two weeks isn't that long at all. I mean, we have to wait over twice as long for another new Glee episode. Maybe Blaine is just too clingy. Finn then points out (in voice-over) that he would never get into NYDA (duh, Finn) and Finn and Blaine start singing 'Barely Breathing'. It was okay but it was a really weird montage and Blaine was poking all these random dudes and Finn was basically jealous of Rachel's life, it was a mess. Or Blaine and Finn are just the mess. This is followed by Blaine showing up at Kurt and Rachel's door with flowers (guilty flowers!!!), what is with people showing up at their doorstep anyway? This isn't a 24-hour bed and breakfast! I don't like all the Lima people in New York, this is a place only for Rachel and Kurt (and maybe Santana). GO HOME!

When we come back the gang goes to Callback which seems to be a NYDA hangout karaoke place. Finn is so immature in this scene, he's far too immature for Rachel and New York at this point, he can't handle either of them! Although, Brody isn't immature at all, he goes up there and he sings 'Give Your Heart a Break' with Rachel and they kill it. I love that song, Lea Michele sang it so good and I love Dean Geyer's vocals, well done. Also, is just me or does Lea Michele look really pretty in this episode? She looks pretty in every episode but damn girl! Blaine then gets up there and sings 'Teenage Dream', I love what they did with this song and Darren Criss sang it amazingly, it was really sad. This was probably my favorite Blaine moment of the whole episode, this episode made me hate Blaine. Why? Oh because it's just revealed to us in the next scene that BLAINE CHEATED ON KURT! I was so angry y'all! So angry! I was yelling at Blaine to get out and how dare he turn this around on Kurt. Finn and Rachel also get into a fight. Rachel and Kurt did nothing wrong, they're just trying to live their flawless lives. We're then catapulted into 'Don't Speak', this sequence was shot so beautifully in my opinion.

The next morning, Finn tries to leave without anyone noticing but Kurt catches him and they have a small heart-to-heart, another nice moment for those two. Ugh, and then all this shit with Kitty happens and she has some club and blah, blah, blah. Kitty needs to leave, I've had enough of that thank you. I actually thought that Santana was going to take Kitty down at the club meeting and put in her place, unfortunately that didn't happen, would've been awesome though, missed opportunity. Might I just say, poor Dotty, she didn't deserve any of this. But wait, Santana didn't deserve Brittany blowing up on her because Brittany felt "left behind", what did Brittany expect? Santana has to move on with her life. You know who should move on with their life though? Finn. He goes back to McKinley and starts crying on Mr. Schuester's shoulder. Wimp.

After Finn is done letting out all the tears, we get a mini Glee reunion which I enjoy a lot. I think Finn still belongs in that choir room, there's no where else for this character to go. Finn actually helps for once in his life when he tells Mr. Schuester that the Glee club should do Grease. I find it so weird and surprising that Glee hasn't done Grease earlier. Stuff then happens with Will and Emma, we learn that she is an independent woman and she don't need to be following no fool (is she still OCD?) Anywho, Blaine sends a card to Kurt that begs for forgiveness. Never forgive Kurt, never forgive! Cut back to McKinley, Santana sings 'Mine' to Brittany, I love this song and Naya is singing it so well, this my jam! In addition to Lea looking great this episode, I feel like Naya also looks amazing. Santana and Brittany then have a deep relationship talk and Santana explains that some Lindsay Shaw look-a-like was undressing her with her eyes. This leads to Brittany and Santana breaking up, I thought this was the saddest break-up of the whole episode. This is followed by Kitty appearing back on screen and I'm yelling "GET HER OUT!" I really don't like her.

After the last break, we come back and Rachel has returned to Lima to shout at Finn. Everything she is saying is so true and I'm totally Team Rachel. Also, this was a great Lea Michele performance, brilliant as usual. The couples then all sing 'The Scientist' and Kurt just appears out of nowhere. Did he come with Rachel? I've also had enough of Finn and Blaine at this point. However, Rachel and Santana killed it again. Also, I loved how they included flashbacks, it made the whole thing more sadder. Glee has been so good lately, last week's episode was amazing and this week's was awesome. Although, this is Glee and I don't want every week to be as serious and not as funny, so as a one-off drama-fest, this episode did pretty well in my eyes.

'Barely Breathing' performed by Finn and Blaine = C+
'Give Your Heart a Break' performed by Rachel and Brody = A+
'Teenage Dream' performed by Blaine = A+
'Don't Speak' performed by Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Blaine = A
'Mine' performed by Santana = A+
'The Scientist' performed by Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Emma and Will = A+

Overall episode score:-
The Break-Up = A

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