Friday 12 October 2012

The Vampire Diaries: Growing Pains (Season Premiere) Recap/Review

The Vampire Diaries, there are simply no words to explain how amazing this episode 'Growing Pains' was. There aren't even any words to explain how amazing this show is. If you're not watching this show then what are you doing with your life? Seriously? Like, what are you doing? If you've randomly stumbled upon this post with no knowledge of this show then I demand you to close this page and go to Netflix or Amazon or wherever and watch/order the first three seasons. You'll thank me later. On with the show! Now, I don't normally comment on the 'previously on' but I wanted to say how I liked what they did with the recap this season and how they informed us of the (sometimes complicated) Vampire Diaries past. The recap actually made me think of One Tree Hill and Lucas' season 4 voice-over in the first episode and then how Lucas did the voice-over for recaps in season 5. But anyway, this has nothing to do with anything, the episode starts with Elena waking up after the car accident. This was a little confusing because didn't Elena already wake up at the end of the season 3 finale? Maybe she did and she just fell asleep again. I dunno and apparently either does Elena, Stefan has to inform her about the accident and, with the help of Damon, they tell her that she's in transition. Elena freaks out because like we know, she never wanted to be a vampire, she wanted to grow old and have children, things that she can no longer do. So Stefan starts helping her search for a solution, Damon (of course) is against this method and feels that Elena should feed ASAP.

Damon is right though, how do they expect to turn Elena back into a human if she died, it seems a little impossible. While Damon and Stefan have an argument downstairs about what's best for Elena, she is upstairs already feeling the effects of being a vampire. That light bulb is so damn annoying, but why didn't Elena just turn it off? There's no need for violence, now she's gonna have to buy another light bulb. In addition to Elena expressing how she doesn't want to be vampire, Jeremy too hates the idea. He tells Elena that he needs her as a human, so he talks to Bonnie about turning Elena back. However, Bonnie already has a lot going on, Klaus wants to be back in his body because it didn't turn to ash meaning that it's still useable. I started to wonder where Tyler was if Klaus was in his body, is he in the body with Klaus? Is he in Klaus' body? It seems unimportant though. What is important is this freaky new pastor character, what is his deal? I really don't get him and if he's part of the council then where has he been this whole time? Plus, what gives him the right to fire Meredith? Poor Meredith, she was just trying to save people with supernatural vampire blood. Also, I can't believe Evil Alaric just gave away all their secrets like that. Dang, Evil Alaric, that's harsh. Meanwhile, at the other side of the hospital, Matt is getting ready to leave and he admits to Caroline that he feels way guilty about what went down on the bridge. Caroline reassures Matt that it wasn't his fault and then somehow she ends up crying about how she's supposed to be on the run and how Tyler isn't around anymore. I forget as to why Caroline is supposed to be on the run and I re-watched the season 3 finale two days ago. Woops, I must not have been paying attention. Things then take a dangerous turn when the Mayor is arrested, while Liz is fired from being sheriff and Caroline is captured. That pastor is behind all of this, he's such a rascal.

Back at the Gilbert residence, Stefan makes Elena a sandwich but she's still in transition so all she's craving is some hardcore human blood. She tells this to Stefan and he starts to feel bad because he felt that he should have saved Elena so she wouldn't have died and start to become a vampire. Although, Elena tells Stefan that he did the right thing because if he didn't save Matt first then Matt would be dead and at least Elena and Matt are both alive, for now. I totally agree with Elena on this but I feel sorry for her, she never wanted any of this. Then Elena starts remembering the things that she has been compelled to forget like the time that Damon told her that he loves her. This was a really touching scene and the music was great. At the Mikaelson mansion, Rebekah is feeling the loss of her brother when Damon walks in and the both of them start going at it. Damon doesn't get the chance to finish her though cause she gets captured by that freaky pastor. Additionally, Stefan also gets captured and Elena gets taken to the freaky pastor's creepy ranch. The Mayor tells Tyler (who's really Klaus) that the council took Caroline so it's Klaus to the rescue. Of course this means a really cool crash scene, this was so awesome. At first Caroline thinks that it's Tyler that's saving her but Klaus says to Rebekah "keep them busy little sister" and he just leaves her in the wreckage. I was as mad as Rebekah was, what kind of brother is Klaus? Poor Rebekah, always in second position. Back at the Gilbert's, Damon, Liz, Meredith and Matt hatch a plan to save our vampy heroes from their doom. Damon seems a little angry at Matt for living and all but I don't see how it was Matt's fault that Stefan saved him and not Elena. Then, Vampire Diaries goes all horror movie on us when we cut to the freaky pastor's creepy ranch. Elena's transition isn't going well and when she tries to escape she gets locked up with Stefan and Rebekah under suspicion of being a vampire. Before this though, the pastor and Elena have a conversation about how Elena used to love to write, I feel like Elena wouldn't have much time to write anymore so it's sad to me that this is something else that all the supernatural in her life has taken from her.

When Caroline and Tyler (but really Klaus) get some alone time, they decide to have some sexy time in the woods cause why not? Beds are so overrated. There was a part in this in which Klaus said "love" to Caroline as a way of addressing her and I started to think how could Caroline not see this was Klaus cause he was talking weird and she's very smart. But thankfully Caroline did catch on and when she did, she was not happy. Jeremy isn't too happy either when he finds out how Bonnie plans to save Elena. It's gonna take a lot of magic for Bonnie to perform that kind of spell and Jeremy is afraid of Bonnie getting too weak. However, Bonnie explains that she has a new source of power that can help her, do you think that Bonnie's source of power is Esther? When Bonnie performs the spell, she begins to lose a lot of blood but it's working until Grams appears and tells Bonnie that she should stay away from dark magic. I love how Grams appeared, it made me really happy to see her and it was nice for her to return.

Things aren't looking good for Elena, she's starting to die as she needs to feed fast. This is really sad, I didn't like seeing Elena like this. Also, Bonnie can't catch a break. Klaus and Caroline come to Bonnie to try and get Klaus back in his rightful body but Bonnie explains that she can't tap into dark magic anymore. Klaus then begins to rip out Tyler's heart so Bonnie has to think fast and cast the spell. Returning to Elena, things keep getting worse and worse, it's really hard to watch. Nina Dobrev's acting is so amazing, it's too sad and I don't like seeing Nina or Elena that distressed. Anyway, Elena tells Stefan that she chose him and she wants to be with him and that's the reason why she was on the bridge. A truly heartbreaking scene, those Vampire Diaries writers have done it again. Help is finally on the way for Elena and co. though cause here comes Damon and Matt. Damon thinks the best way to help their friends is to take a bite out of Matt, because sure. I think Damon is still a tiny bit mad that Matt survived. I'm just guessing though.

 After the break, Bonnie finally gets everyone back in their rightful bodies but as a result of Bonnie using dark magic again, Grams must pay the consequences. Who really cares? Grams is dead already anyway. Then Rebekah kinda helps Stefan kill a guard so Elena can drink his blood and complete her transition. Back outside on the lawn, Damon tries to kill Matt (at least, that what Elena says) but Elena comes to Matt's rescue (badass vampire Elena is amazing) and when Matt tries to seek somewhere to chill for one second of his life, Stefan tells him that Matt wasn't his first choice. I thought this was kind of mean of Stefan, it didn't need to be said. Outside, Elena tells Damon that she knows that he loves her and she questions him about Matt and why he can't let it go. Damon tells Elena that he can't let it go because he wanted Elena to have everything she wanted like having babies etc. I loved that Damon wanted this for Elena, it shows that he actually does have a kind heart. Klaus defiantly doesn't have a kind heart though, when Rebekah returns home she gives it to him for not saving her. Rebekah is seriously the best, I loved how she stuck up for herself. Unfortunately, Klaus broke her neck but the benefits of being a vampire means that she'll wake up in a couple of minutes. Then there's a really nice scene between Elena and Stefan on top of the Salvatore's roof. It kind of reminded me of Teen Wolf's season 1 finale but I respect both scenes because Elena got to tell Stefan in this scene that they can now be together forever so I thought that was cute. Lastly, sweet baby Jesus, the freaking freaky pastor blows up his creepy ranch full of (what I'm guessing is) council members with himself included. Why? I guess we'll find out next week. Loved this episode of The Vampire Diaries, such a strong season premiere and I can't wait for more of this season.

Overall episode score:-
'Growing Pains' = A+

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